Records Management and Archives

中出少妇视频 System of Georgia records retention policies and procedures

中出少妇视频 Records Retention Schedules

CATEGORY: Student Records

Total: 50   Sorted by title. Showing 25 per page.

Placement Records

Number:  0472-06-026

Description:  This series documents the written reference history of a student to be forwarded to potential employers or professional schools. Records may include but are not limited to: credentials records showing where, when, and cost of letters sent; release of information form which includes a listing of the reference letters to be sent; reference letters; student teaching reports; professional program certificates; personal data sheets; resumes; and college interview forms.

Retention:  5 years.

Placement Survey Records

Number:  0472-06-027

Description:  This series documents the results of a placement survey conducted every two years of recent graduates. Records may include but are not limited to: reports and questionnaires that provide the following information on individual alumni: career status or job title; continuing education; geographic location; source of finding employment; relationship of employment to major; salary; computer training needs; and number of years enrolled.

Retention:  Reports: PERMANENT; Questionnaires: 3 years.

Recruiters Records

Number:  0472-06-028

Description:  This series provides a record of recruiter visits to the campus to conduct job interviews. Records may include but are not limited to: scheduling calendars; Recruiter Schedules; affirmative action statements; recruiter information forms; lists of interviewees; and feedback forms from recruiters.

Retention:  2 years.

Residency Affidavits

Number:  0472-06-029

Description:  This series documents declarations filed by students regarding state residency status which is critical for determining tuition status.

Retention:  5 years after graduation or date of last attendance but at least 1 year after final notice to Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD) Records

Number:  0472-06-030

Description:  This series documents student participation in the Services to Students with Disabilities Program. Records may include but are not limited to: health professional evaluation reports; recommendations for student applicants; high school transcripts and academic work-sheets; autobiographical essays; copies of applications for admission; copies of notices of admission; special admissions applications checklists; questionnaires; and physicians' statements and letters of recommendation.

Retention:  5 years after last contact.

Special Academic Programs Student Records

Number:  0472-06-031

Description:  This series documents and tracks the application, admission, selection, and progress of institution students participating in special academic programs serving, guiding, and aiding institution students, including counseling, tutoring, and tuition waiver assistance. Programs may include but are not limited to: the English Language Institute (ELI) and American English Institute; Educational Opportunities Program (EOP); non-traditional student programs; Older Than Average Student Program and Adult Learners; National Student Exchange Program (NSE); Native American Science Program (NASP); 中出少妇视频 Exploratory Studies Student Program (UESP); Study Abroad Program; Academic Learning Services (ALS); Peer Advising; and other special academic programs. This series consists of individual files for students and includes but is not limited to: application documentation; personal information; medical and health documentation; admission and non-acceptance documentation; recommendations and evaluative materials; copies of academic records; counseling and advising notes and documentation; risk release and insurance forms; immigration and citizenship documentation; financial responsibility records; and reports.

Retention:  Accepted and enrolled participants: 5 years; Denied admission or did not enroll: 2 years.

Special Program Student Records

Number:  0472-06-032

Description:  This series documents and tracks the application, selection, and progress in special instructional programs of elementary through high school and non-institution students belonging to special, minority, or disadvantaged groups. Examples of programs to which this series applies are Science and Mathematics Investigative Learning Experiences (SMILE), Upward Bound, High School Equivalency, and other non-institution programs. Records may include but are not limited to: application and admission documentation; personal and family information; medical and health documentation; selection and decision making documentation; Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) documentation; notifications of admission and non-admission; recommendations and evaluative materials; copies of academic records; counseling and advising notes and documentation; housing and conduct documentation; federal student aid reports; risk release and insurance forms; immigration and citizenship documentation; and financial responsibility records.

Retention:  3 years after separation from program.

Student Academic Records

Number:  0472-06-033

Description:  These records consist of the official student record of individual students for their period of enrollment at a university and include all academic documentation for individual students. Records may include but are not limited to: transcripts; narrative evaluations, competency assessments, and academic action; petitions for exemption from institution regulations and procedures; applications for withdrawal from the institution; standardized examination reports; letters of recommendation; admissions applications; notices of admission; standardized placement and evaluation exams; transcripts; requests for transfer of credit; statements of completion of requirements for degree; major department/degree change requests; assignments of advisor; compositions of dissertation/thesis committee and any changes thereof; certifications of transferred courses; grade reports; course waiver requests; removal of incomplete grades forms; year time-limit appeal records; oral and written exam results; petitions or letters requesting exemption from institution regulations or procedures; advising checklists; official graduation audits; program advisors' reports showing progress towards academic degrees; awards; student enrollment in courses; and changes in enrollment grade reports; registration forms; registration change forms (add/drop forms); withdrawal forms; application for re-admission forms; independent study approvals; grading basis change forms; and name change forms.

Retention:  Transcripts: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years after date of last attendance.

Student Activity Reports

Number:  0472-06-034

Description:  This series provides a record of graduate and undergraduate student statistics in a specific instructional unit and is used to provide summary information which may be used for planning or review.

Retention:  Until superseded or obsolete.

Student Admissions Records

Number:  0472-06-035

Description:  This series documents the application process for individuals seeking admission to the institution. Records may include but are not limited to: acceptance letters, advanced placement records, applications for admission, entrance exam reports, letters of recommendation, medical records, readmission forms, recruitment materials, test scores, transcripts from other colleges, and transcripts from high school.

Retention:  Records of applicants who enroll: 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance; All other records: 1 year after application term.

Student Advising Records

Number:  0472-06-036

Description:  This series is used to provide a record of an undergraduate and/or graduate student's academic progress within a specific department and/or college program. Most of the components in this record series are reference copies of records maintained in the files of the Registrar's Office and/or the Graduate School and are maintained for the convenience of the student academic advisors.

Retention:  5 years after graduation or date of last attendance but at least 1 year after final notice to Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Student Certification Records

Number:  0472-06-037

Description:  This series documents the preparation of students earning degrees and/or certification for licenses or certificates to enter a profession and forms the basis of the initial certification for various professions. Records may include: applications for admission to a program; registration for practicum hours and evidence of the completion of the practicum; transcripts; narrative evaluations on practicum; notice of completion of hours required for certification; recommendations; and evaluations.

Retention:  5 years after initial certification application by student.

Student Conduct Records/Disciplinary Actions Records

Number:  0472-06-038

Description:  This series documents academic dishonesty and conduct violations among students. Records may include but are not limited to: incidents reports; final reports; evidence; notifications of allegation; Timely Notice Forms; Conduct-Pending, Conduct-Restitution, and Suspension Lists; Quarterly Security Reports; disciplinary reports; informal discussion notes; formal hearing notes; final summary statements; decision statements; and appeals documentation.

Retention:  5 years after graduation or date of last attendance but at least 1 year after final notice to Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Student Development Transcripts Records

Number:  0472-06-039

Description:  Series documents students participation in university clubs, organizations, honor societies, and special academic programs such as the Study Abroad Program; volunteer service in community organizations; and honors and awards received.

Retention:  Transcripts: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years.

Student Grievance Records

Number:  0472-06-040

Description:  This series documents grievance brought forward by students against the institutions which do not result in litigation. Grievances may pertain to academic issues; housing; affirmative action and equal opportunity; student conduct; and other issues. Records include: notices of grievance; informal discussion notes; grievance responses; formal hearing notes (including audio tapes); final summary statements; settlement agreements; and appeals documentation.

Retention:  5 years after graduation or date of last attendance.

Student Loan Cash Input Transaction Lists

Number:  0472-06-041

Description:  This series documents the repayment of student loans on a daily basis and is used to apply the loan payments to the individual student accounts. This series includes daily listings of loan payments received.

Retention:  4 years.

Student Loan Check Requests Lists and Payment Coupons

Number:  0472-06-042

Description:  This series documents loan disbursements made to students and payments made by loan holders. This series consists of quarterly lists of issued loan checks and payment coupons that accompany each quarterly or monthly payment made to the student loan office.

Retention:  4 years.

Student Recruitment Records

Number:  0472-06-043

Description:  This series documents effort of the institutional units to recruit students based upon disadvantaged status, academic performance, and other criteria. Records may include but are not limited to: prospects lists; interview and conversation notes; photographs; personal information forms and resumes; test scores; and academic transcripts.

Retention:  5 years.

Student Statistical Reports

Number:  0472-06-044

Description:  This series documents student status and enrollment at the institution. Records may include: specialized listings and statistical reports pertaining to departmental and college registration, course changes, add/drops, geographical distribution of students, student age and gender data, mortality of classes, student transfers from other schools, student body grade point averages and GPA's of living groups, veterans enrollment, and reports documenting student and enrollment by term.

Retention:  Summary and annual reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 3 years.

Theses and Dissertations

Number:  0472-06-045

Description:  This series documents the completion and academic acceptance of graduate theses and dissertations presented to colleges in fulfillment of requirements for graduate degrees.

Retention:  PERMANENT.

Transcript Hold or Encumbering Authorization Forms

Number:  0472-06-046

Description:  This series documents holds on transcripts and academic reporting information placed by the institution. This series consists of forms authorizing the holding of academic records and information until the subject of the academic record takes a specific action.

Retention:  Until release of hold.

Transcript Request Forms

Number:  0472-06-047

Description:  This series provides a record of students' requests for transcripts.

Retention:  Requests for official transcripts: 6 months; Requests for unofficial transcripts: 1 month.

Undergraduate Degree Audit and Application for Graduation Records

Number:  0472-06-048

Description:  This series documents student completion of degree requirements. Records may include but are not limited to: work sheets; transcripts; transfer course evaluations; and official graduation audit forms.

Retention:  5 years after last enrollment.

Veterans Records

Number:  0472-06-049

Description:  This series documents the entitlement status and enrollment of veterans in the institution.

Retention:  3 years following termination of enrollment period.

Work Study Program Administrative Records

Number:  0472-06-050

Description:  Series documents the administration of the Federal Work Study program at the institution.

Retention:  5 years.

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