
Academic Affairs Division

Georgia Legislative Requirements

states that ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵœ…no undergraduate student in any college or university shall receive a certificate of graduation or a degree without successfully completing course work or previously passing a satisfactory examination on the history of the United States and the history of Georgia, and upon the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia.” No student can receive an undergraduate degree without meeting these requirements.

In essence, this statute establishes four requirements:

  1. Instruction or successful completion of an examination in United States history.
  2. Instruction or successful completion of an examination in Georgia history.
  3. Instruction or successful completion of an examination in the United States Constitution.
  4. Instruction or successful completion of an examination in the Georgia Constitution.

The mandate to meet the Georgia Legislative requirements is expressed in BOR Policy Manual Section 3.3.4 United States and Georgia History and Constitutions and Academic and Student Affairs Handbook Section 2.4.4 Details Regarding Courses in Core IMPACTS Domains (see discussion under the Citizenship Domain). ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ System of Georgia (ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ) institutions ensure that their degree-seeking students meet these four requirements by requiring students to take the appropriate course(s) at an ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institution or by examination.

To meet the United States and Georgia history requirement, most ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institutions require students to take and pass HIST 2110, 2111, or 2112 (Survey of U.S. History, Survey of U.S. History I, or Survey of U.S. History II). When taught at ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institutions all of these courses include Georgia history content that meets the Georgia history requirement.

To meet the United States and Georgia constitution requirement, most ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institutions require students to take POLS 1101 American Government. When taught at ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institutions this course includes Georgia constitution content that meets the Georgia constitution requirement.

Courses other than those listed above may be used to fulfill these requirements at some institutions. At two ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institutions courses are designed so that students may meet all four requirements by taking a single course: Albany State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ (POLS 1101 American Government) and ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of North Georgia (HIST 2111 U.S. History I OR HIST 2112 U.S. History II OR POLS 1101 American Government).

If students meet any or all of the requirements at one ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) institution and transfer to a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institution, those requirements are still met upon transfer, even if the student met the Georgia Legislative requirements by taking a single course at the sending institution and two courses are needed to meet the requirements at the receiving institution.

Students who have been awarded credit for HIST 2110, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, or POLS 1101 based on examination scores or by transfer of credit from outside the ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG must still meet the Georgia Legislative requirements. There are no exceptions to these requirements for any student enrolling in an undergraduate degree (associate, nexus, bachelor) program at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institution.

Transferred credit
Students who are awarded credit for HIST 2110, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, or POLS 1101 based on credit transferred from most non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ/non-TCSG institutions must pass the GA History and/or GA Constitution exams to satisfy the Georgia Legislative requirements. This is because these non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ/non-TCSG institutions are not subject to the legislative mandate to include content in Georgia History and Georgia Constitution. Exemption tests are offered to students whose U.S. History or Political Science course(s) did not include Georgia History or Georgia Constitution.

Some non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ/non-TCSG institutions in Georgia do include Georgia History and Georgia Constitution content in their U.S. History and American Government courses, as documented in their catalog course descriptions. Students who are awarded transfer credit for these courses at specific Georgia institutions may also receive credit for Georgia History and Georgia Constitution requirements, as appropriate. A list of qualifying courses and institutions is provided in the linked table.

Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate credit
Students who are awarded credit for HIST 2110, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, or POLS 1101 based on scores from Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate examinations must pass the GA History and/or GA Constitution exams to satisfy the Georgia Legislative requirements.

CLEP and DSST credit
Students who are awarded credit for HIST 2110, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, or POLS 1101 based on scores on CLEP or DSST tests must pass the GA History and/or GA Constitution exams to satisfy the Georgia Legislative requirements.

Second Baccalaureate Degree
For students pursuing a second baccalaureate degree, where the first baccalaureate degree was earned from a non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institution, the history requirements can be satisfied by passing HIST 2110, 2111, or 2112 or by passing the U.S. and/or Georgia history exams. The Constitution requirements can be satisfied by passing POLS 1101 or by passing the U.S. and/or GA Constitution exams.

Student who have received credit for U.S. History or American Government without meeting the legislative requirements have two options for satisfying the Georgia Legislative Requirements (listed below). Students with transfer or exam credit for these courses should consult with their advisors immediately upon enrollment at ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institutions and make plans for meeting the Georgia Legislative requirements, ideally within four semesters of admission. Students cannot graduate without meeting these requirements.

  1. They can take and pass the course(s) that meet the requirement(s) at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institution.
  2. They can take examinations on Georgia history and the Georgia Constitution to demonstrate mastery of the essentials of Georgia history and the Georgia Constitution.

The table below summarizes the ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ courses that meet the Georgia Legislative Requirements at each ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institution, as well as ways to demonstrate mastery of the essentials of Georgia history and the Georgia Constitution for students with transfer credit or credit-by-examination.

The information in the table below is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, students should always check with their institutions to ensure that they have the most current and accurate information regarding the Georgia Legislative requirements.

Georgia Legislative Requirements at ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ Institutions

Institution Courses and Tests Additional Information

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 United States History I OR HIST 2112 United States History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

Albany State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

This course satisfies the legislative requirements for U.S. History, U.S. Constitution, Georgia History, and Georgia Constitution: Course only meets the Georgia history and Constitution requirements when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam Students who did not take HIST 2111 or 2112 and POLS 1101 in the State of Georgia will be required to take and pass the before graduation to complete the legislative requirement.

Atlanta Metropolitan State College

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 United States History I OR HIST 2112 United States History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam See items 15 and 16 on this

Augusta ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Scroll down to Graduation Requirements, then Legislative Requirements
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 United States to 1877 OR HIST 2112 United States since 1877 OR HIST 3711 Georgia History Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 Introduction to American Government OR POLS 4101 State Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam in Georgia History, US History, Georgia Constitution, US Constitution. Note links to study materials and study guide on this page. Students with transfer credit or credit by exam will generally need to take the Georgia Exams only.

Clayton State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 Survey of US History to 1877 OR HIST 2112 US HIST Since Reconstruction Course meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution or at Georgia Military College.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution or at Georgia Military College.
Meets the Georgia History and Georgia Constitution requirements: HIST 3110 Georgia History and Government
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

College of Coastal Georgia

(Under Academic Regulations)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 United States History I OR HIST 2112 United States History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

Columbus State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Catalog statement on (Scroll tothe bottom of page to US and Georgia. . .)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 U.S. History to 1865 OR HIST 2112 U.S. History since 1865 Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the Georgia History requirement: HIST 3105 History of Georgia
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

Dalton State College

(Scroll to Graduation Requirements)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 History of the United States to 1877 OR HIST 2112 History of the United States since 1877 Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the Georgia History requirement: HIST 3930: History of Georgia
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

East Georgia State College

pp. 46-47.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 Survey of U.S. History I OR HIST 2112 Survey of U.S. History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
(Scroll to Satisfying ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ Legislative Requirements with Transfer Courses)

Fort Valley State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 A Survey of U.S. History to the Post Civil War Period OR HIST 2112 A Survey of U.S. History from the Post Civil War Period to the Present Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

Georgia College & State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 The United States to 1877 OR HIST 2112 The United States since 1877 Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution, unless the transfer institution's catalog specifically states that appropriate content on the Georgia history is included in their course.
Meets the Georgia History requirement: HIST 4415 Georgia: Colony and State
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government at any ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ institution OR POLS 1150 Politics and Society (at GC&SU) Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution, unless the transfer institution's catalog specifically states that appropriate content on the Georgia constitution is included in their course.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

Georgia Gwinnett College

History and Constitution requirements: see link at right
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 Survey of United States History I OR HIST 2112 Survey of United States History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the Georgia History requirement: HIST 3265 History of Georgia
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

Georgia Highlands College

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 American History I OR HIST 2112 American History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Governmen Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.

Georgia Institute of Technology

All students are required to receive credit for one of these five courses: HIST 2111 The United States to 1877, HIST 2112 The United States since 1877, INTA 1200 American Government in Comparative Perspective, POL 1101 Government of the United States, Early in their second semester of enrollment at Georgia Tech, all students will receive the information needed to study for and take the four non-credit online examinations. Because all students are required to receive credit for one of the five courses (HIST 2111, HIST 2112, INTA 1200, POL 1101, or PUBP 3000) and each of these courses satisfies at least one of the four requirements (two requirements, if taken at Georgia Tech or another ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution), students will never need to take more than three examinations.
or PUBP 3000 American Constitutional Issues.
If credit is received for any of these courses for a score on an AP/IB exam or transfer in from a non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or non-TCSG institution: HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 satisfies the U.S. History requirement, and INTA 1200, POL 1101, or PUBP 3000 satisfies the
the U.S. Constitution requirement.
If credit is received for any of these courses taken at Georgia Tech or another ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution: HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 satisfies the U.S. History and Georgia history requirements, and INTA 1200, POL 1101,
or PUBP 3000 satisfies the U.S. Constitution and Georgia Constitution requirements.
Non-credit online examinations are available for all four requirements.

Georgia Southern ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Courses only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
These previous Armstrong State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ courses satisfy the U.S. History, U.S. Constitution, Georgia History, and Georgia Constitution requirements: HIST 1100/1100H/2001/2001H and POLS 1100/2001 Political History of American and Georgia
The following previous Armstrong State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ course satisfies the U.S. Constitution and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 2200 Introduction to American Government
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam There is a link to a study guide from this page.

Georgia Southwestern State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 US History I OR HIST 2112 US History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 Introduction to American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students (from states other than Georgia) and Students with Credit by Exam Georgia Southwestern offers HIST 0100 Georgia History Review and POLS 0100 Georgia Constitution Review as free non-credit course through GeorgiaVIEW. Student who complete these reviews also have free access through the course to a challenge exam that fulfills the Legislative Requirements. Contact the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs for more information.

Georgia State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2110 Survey of United States History Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the Georgia History requirement: HIST 4130 Georgia History
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam

Gordon State College

(p. 115, footnote 1)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirements when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 American History I OR HIST 2112 American History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirements when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
, (p. 115, footnote 1)

Kennesaw State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

(Scroll to State Legislative Requirements)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 US History to 1877 OR HIST 2112 US History Since 1877 Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution or qualifying non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ/non-TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution or qualifying non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ/non-TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam (Go to State of Georgia Legislative Requirements) (Scroll to ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ Legislative Requirement Exams)
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam (Scroll to Departmental Exams/Legislative Exams)

Middle Georgia State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

History and Constitution requirements
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 United States History to 1865 OR HIST 2112 United States History since 1865 Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam & &

Savannah State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 US History to the Post-Civil War Period OR HIST 2112 US History from the Post-Civil War Period to Present Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.

South Georgia State College

(p. 131)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 American Civilization I OR HIST 2112 U American Civilization II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam (pp. 125-126)

ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of Georgia

History and Constitution requirements &
Any of these courses satisfy the legislative requirements for U.S. History, U.S. Constitution, Georgia History, and Georgia Constitution: HIST 2111 U.S. History I OR HIST 2112 U.S. History II OR POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia history and Constitution requirements when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 American History to 1865 OR HIST 2111E American History to 1865 OR HIST 2111H American History to 1865 (Honors) OR HIST 2112 American History Since 1865 OR Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
HIST 2112E American History Since 1865 OR HIST 2112H History of the United States 1865 to Present (Honors) OR HIST 3080H America and the World (Honors)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government OR POLS 1101E American Government OR POLS 1101S Introduction to American Government through Service Learning OR POLS 1101H American Government (Honors) Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the Georgia Constitution requirement: POLS 4650 State Politics OR HIST 4100/6100 History of Georgia POLS 4650 must be taken in Georgia to meet the Georgia Constitution requirement.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam &

ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of North Georgia

Students who have completed the Citizenship Domain of the IMPACTS Core without meeting the legislative requirements may meet requirements by taking upper-level coursework at the ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of North Georgia (see below).
Meets the US History requirement: HIST 3150 Social and Cultural History of the U.S. to 1860 OR HIST 3151 Social & Cultural History of the U.S. 1860 to Present Course must be taken at the ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of North Georgia
Meets the Georgia History requirement: HIST 3182 The American South OR HIST 3183 The Old South OR HIST 3184 The New South OR HIST 3185 Georgia History Course must be taken at the ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of North Georgia
Meets the Georgia Constitution requirement: POLS 3106 State and Local Government OR POLS 4112 Judicial Processes OR POLS 4120 Civil Liberties Course must be taken at the ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of North Georgia
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam & (at bottom of page)

ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ of West Georgia

History and Constitution requirements
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 US History I OR HIST 2112 US History II Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam Testing and study information

Valdosta State ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ

OR (Scroll to State of Georgia Legislative Requirements.)
Meets the U.S. and Georgia History requirements: HIST 2111 United States History to 1865 OR HIST 2112 United States History since 1865 Course only meets the Georgia History requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution or qualifying non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ/non-TCSG institution.
Meets the U.S. and Georgia Constitution requirements: POLS 1101 American Government Course only meets the Georgia Constitution requirement when taken at a ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ or TCSG institution or qualifying non-ÖгöÉÙ¸¾ÊÓƵ/non-TCSG institution.
Transfer Students and Students with Credit by Exam &